Genius Cab is launched – final phase of system development


Software development continuously progressed after the finalization of all CAN specifications and
minor changes in the functional scope. Regular coordination meetings within the cluster ensured
compatibility of the individual control units.

On December 8, 2015, we were finally able to test the latest status of the software in the scope
of an experimental setup. For this purpose, for the first time, all components were connected with
the original wiring harness in Grosshelfendorf. All developers from all cluster partners met up on
location with their prototypes. The setup was a huge success as the different components were able
to communicate with each other almost perfectly from the very beginning. Based on these first test
results, further software versions were developed that reached their final status in the scope of
the final launch. The “complete” cabins were available for the first time at this final test.

Following this launch, final parameterization was undertaken to implement the last fine-tuning
measures. In the scope of this process, all important settings such as the brightness of lamps
or delay times had to be set. Thanks to the know-how of all cluster partners, realistic behavior
of the entire system was achieved in no time. With regard to electronics, the cabin is now ready
for dispatch to the exhibition.

Genius Cab is launched – final phase of system development